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My partner


I live with my partner, Philip,  in Stratford, London, close to the 2012 Olympic Village

We had a service to recognise our partnership, a Civil Registration, on March 20th 2010

Philip previously taught nursing studies at Morley College, London.

For relaxation I travel; in fact, I am probably away up to one third of the year in some different part of the world

Buddhist Temple Dominican Republic, dolphinarium Pyramids, Egypt River Yangtze, Chongqing, China New Orleans Light plane, FijiNorth Borneo Red Square, Moscow Petronus Towers, Kuala Lumpur Palace, Seoul, South Korea Great Wall, China Sahara Desert, Tunisia Siem Reip, Cambodia  Machu Pichu, Mexico Taj Mahal, Agra Mekong Delta, Vietnam Kobe, Japan Iceland

Also for relaxation, I write.

Apart from four technical management books I wrote in the 1990s, I have written two plays, Falling, and The Dragon is Dead, both of which have been performed in Stratford.

I wrote a Children' Language book, common objects in 10 different languages. I am fascinated by words such as Panda which is panda in every language, except Chinese.

I also wrote a novel, Psychofrog about a therapy group for gay men with failing relationships. It gets some good reviews, but is not destined to be a money-spinner.